BELLWETHER is proud to present Alison Smith: Stilleven,evenStill
The title of the exhibition, Stilleven,evenStill takes the
17th Century Dutch term for still life and mirrors it back
onto itself, suggesting the persistence of the genre, and
of course, vanitas. In her first New York solo debut, Allison
Smith considers the disguised symbolism, ambiguous moralizing,
and political allusion present in the objects of still life
painting, here materialized as lush sculptural props for a
discontinuous narrative of her own subjectivity.
We are all products of our environment in some way, but like
an indigenous anthropologist, the oxymoronic term for scholars
studying in their home societies, Smith investigates the historicized
suburban space of her youth and its apparent promise of time
travel. Using the commodification of history as an aesthetic
palette, Smith makes countless objects and accessories that
function somewhere between prototype and artifact, prop and
product, evidence and ephemera. Using this idea of an object's
potentially multiple identities, she often editions her work,
recycling and reconfiguring it into more than one context.
In Mom-n-Pop, Smith seems at first to be gazing nostalgically
at the dearly departed general store, creating a large almost
museum-like store display of handmade objects- quilts, candles,
soap, maple syrup... However, there is more here than meets
the eye. For the title, like each of the objects, has multiple
meanings. Smith, whose first introduction to art was through
her mother's obsession with early American handicrafts, uses
techniques including embroidery, theorem painting, and floral
arrangement, as well as slipware ceramics, blown glass, cast
pewter and beeswax, gouache painting, silkscreen printing,
and various forms of drawing, including frottage and pin prikt.
In humorously gendered complement, Smith's father is rumored
to be an inventor of tradecraft, a term (uncannily similar
to Warhol's "business art") referring to devices
used in international espionage. Fittingly, Smith's art is
one of spying on history - her own, that of her ancestors,
and of American culture in general. At times her work appears
masked by a lighthearted pop superficiality, but on closer
inspection we find her secretly taking a tip from her feminist
forebears and delving into the psychosocial dimensions of
autobiography and women's work, revealing a deeply personal
vision about the connection between craft and the construction
of identity.
BELLWETHER is an artist-run space in support of emerging artists.