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Ion Birch

Resides:  New York



The Young Penis, Bellwether Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, 2003

Bronwyn Keenan Gallery, New York, NY, 2001

Margrett, New York, NY, 2000

Selected Group

Tits & Art II, GV-AS, Brooklyn, NY, 2002

End of the Rainbow, Bellwether, Brooklyn, NY, 2002

Paper, Earl Mc Grath, New York, NY, 2001

Forever is..., Bronwyn Keenan Gallery, New York, NY, 2000

Stocking Stuffers, Earl McGrath, New York, NY, 2000

Selected Publications

Hunt, David, Artnewyork.com, 2001

Canning, Claire, Tank Magazine, 2001

Balthus R.I.P's, Combs, Whitney, New Yorks Arts Magazine, 2001

Painter's Journal, Brennan, Michael, Artnet Magazine, 2000

Bakke, Erik, New York Arts Magazine, 1998


B.F.A, Painting, Rhode Island School of Design, 1994

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ALL IMAGES © Ion Birch
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